Parental Rights in Rolling Meadows, Illinois

Parental rights are the foundation of many Illinois family law cases. In general, parents are given the power to raise their children as they see fit. Parents decide what schools children attend, the types of food they will eat, the religion they will practice, the medical treatments they will receive, and many other important issues. When the legal parents are in a relationship together, they share these rights.
Problems may arise, however, when parents separate and have conflicting ideas about how to raise their children. These child custody cases are often stressful and exhausting for both the children and parents.
If you face child custody issues during your divorce or in other situations, never forget that you have parental rights that need to be protected. The best way to ensure your rights are respected is by hiring an experienced Rolling Meadows family lawyer. Contact The Law Office of Nicholas W. Richardson, P.C. today for your free initial consultation.
Child Custody in Illinois
There are two types of child custody: physical custody and legal custody.
- Physical custody refers to living with or having parenting time with your child.
- Legal custody refers to making important choices for your child, like educational, religious, and non-emergency medical decisions.
As a parent, you have the right to both physical and legal custody unless a judge deems otherwise. During a child custody case, the court must decide what is in your child's best interest when issuing custody orders.
In Illinois, the court starts a custody case with the general assumption that the child involved will do best with as much involvement from both parents as possible. However, both sides in the matter can try to convince the court that some alternate arrangement beyond joint custody is in the child's best interest. If one parent has been primarily responsible for making child-related decisions and providing childcare in the past, that parent may be granted sole or primary custody. However, even if sole custody will be appropriate, the other parent will usually have the right to reasonable amounts of parenting time with the child on a regular basis. If there are other issues that may affect children's safety and well-being, certain types of restrictions may be put in place, such as requiring supervision during a parent's parenting time. Courts generally believe that continuing relationships between parents and children are in a child's best interests, and a parent who wishes to be involved in their child's life can work with an attorney to protect their parental rights.
Contact a Schaumburg Parental Rights Attorney Today
Many complex factors are considered when deciding a custody case. Given the difficulty of these cases and the high stakes of the outcome, it is crucial for a parent to have representation from an experienced family lawyer when involved in these disputes.
With years of legal experience, Attorney Nicholas W. Richardson can advocate for your parental rights effectively and help you protect your relationship with your children. Contact The Law Office of Nicholas W. Richardson, P.C. by calling 847.873.6741 to see how Attorney Richardson can help with your case. We serve clients in Palatine, Barrington, Schaumburg, Arlington Heights, Rolling Meadows, Cook County, and DuPage County.
Introducing The Law Office of Nicholas W. Richardson
Nicholas W. Richardson is an experienced divorce lawyer and mediator whose comprehensive legal knowledge, commitment to clients and reputation for results bring lasting solutions to your problems.