Do I Need a Divorce Attorney in Arlington Heights?

Every couple begins a marriage with the hope of a lifelong partnership filled with happiness. No one marries with the expectation that he or she will get divorced. However, people change, circumstances are altered, and divorce happens. In fact, nearly 50 percent of all couples marrying for the first time will get divorced.
A divorce can be unexpected, emotionally exhausting, and financially devastating if undertaken without skilled legal help. Beginning the process, people ask, "Do I need a divorce attorney?"
Many divorcing couples think they can amicably separate and complete their divorce without hiring an attorney. While the courts do allow couples to file for divorce without legal representation, this can be a risky choice. Issues related to money, children, and living arrangements often escalate during the divorce process, and if they are not handled correctly, they may lead to additional problems in the future. If disagreements cannot be resolved adequately, a couple may need to settle certain issues in court, and without legal representation, a person may not be able to address legal issues correctly, and they will not have an experienced advocate to represent their interests. Even couples that truly have a "friendly divorce" may not realize the difficulties that can arise, including tax ramifications and unforeseen pitfalls.
Secure the Help of a Barrington Divorce Attorney
Whether the separation is hotly contested or amicable, a person can benefit by hiring an experienced Illinois family lawyer to advocate for their needs and desires and help them move beyond divorce.
Consider this typical scenario: A couple that owns their home, has modest assets, and has one child together decides to divorce. Every piece of the puzzle is dictated by a different law, and multiple questions will need to be addressed before the couple will be able to end their marriage.
For example, should the house be sold? If so, how much money does each spouse receive? What if one spouse wants to keep the house and the other wants to sell? How will the parents address the allocation of parental responsibilities (child custody)? Will the child live primarily with one parent or go back and forth between their homes? If one person racked up thousands of dollars in charges on a credit card in his/her own name, will both spouses be responsible for paying that debt? How much child support will one or both parents be required to pay? Who will pay for the child's school and medical costs? How will the parties divide the money they have in the bank and any other assets they own? These are just a few of the many essential questions that must be asked in every divorce — even uncontested divorces.
Another common misconception is that even if the divorce is amicable, legal help websites or do-it-yourself research can take the place of an actual family law attorney. Too often, people download standardized divorce forms online only to find that their local court will not accept them or that those forms are not ultimately beneficial in safeguarding their rights or addressing their particular circumstances. Each divorce is unique, and by getting legal help from an experienced attorney, a person can make sure all of their outstanding issues will be addressed, and they can have the certainty that they will have a strong advocate in their corner looking out for their interests.
Get Help From a Schaumburg Divorce Lawyer
Only an experienced divorce attorney can properly assist you during a divorce. Nicholas W. Richardson has helped Illinois families for more than a decade, and you can rely on him to deliver straightforward, honest legal advice. Attorney Richardson serves clients in cities throughout Cook County, DuPage County, McHenry County, and Kane County. If you are thinking about divorce, or if you are currently involved in the process of ending your marriage, contact The Law Office of Nicholas W. Richardson, P.C. today at 847.873.6741 to schedule your free initial consultation.
Introducing The Law Office of Nicholas W. Richardson
Nicholas W. Richardson is an experienced divorce lawyer and mediator whose comprehensive legal knowledge, commitment to clients and reputation for results bring lasting solutions to your problems.