Supporting Chicagoland Families by the Law Office of Nicholas W. Richardson, P.C.

Attorney Nicholas W. Richardson is committed to his community. In fact, giving back to his local communities has been key to the Law Office of Nicholas W. Richardson, P.C., since its 2009 founding.
In 2014, Attorney Richardson launched the Inaugural Scholarships for College-Bound Chicagoland Powered by the Law Office of Nicholas W. Richardson, P.C., to help area graduating seniors pay for their advanced education including college, nursing, business, trade, technical training or other similar programs.This program ran for six years.
During the global pandemic, Attorney Richardson supported his local food pantry and the Northwest Suburban Bar Association's efforts to collect new and gently used coats and winter accessories for those families who arrived at the courthouse without.
Most recently, Attorney Richardson was thrilled to support the Kona Ice Truck's appearance at his local elementary school to celebrate the end of school and this year's return to in-person learning.