Rolling Meadows Divorce Mediation Attorney

Are you seeking a legal method of divorce in which you and your spouse remain amicable but listen to each other's concerns? Are you looking to resolve other family law issues while minimizing conflict and encouraging cooperation? Are you trying to avoid significant financial expense? Are you concerned that your child might be harmed emotionally by your decision to end your relationship?
Divorce mediation has successfully addressed these issues for many Illinois couples and families. Experienced family law Attorney Nicholas W. Richardson can act as an impartial third party who ensures that each person recognizes the other's concerns and addresses them in an environment that emphasizes cooperation and compromise.
Mediation techniques can go a long way toward resolving disagreements that might otherwise end up in court — taking valuable time, adding to stress, and depleting assets and income. You may happen upon common ground you never knew you had when matters such as spousal support, child custody, parenting time/visitation, and property division are discussed.
The mediator's goal is to assist you in reaching that common ground. The process is voluntary, and the mediator does not make judgments or decisions. Rather than taking an adversarial position focusing on one person's concerns and goals, mediation encourages open communication and cooperation as a couple addresses their legal issues, and it can allow them to find solutions that will be benefical for both parties.
Contact The Law Office of Nicholas W. Richardson, P.C. at 847.873.6741 for more information. If you need an evening or a weekend appointment, your schedule can be accommodated.
Palatine Lawyer Nicholas W. Richardson Tailors His Representation to Your Goals
Certain aspects of divorce and family law mediation are governed by Illinois law under the Uniform Mediation Act. The Act begins by defining all parties and participants in a mediation. The most important section of the act protects both parties from any disclosures of communications made during mediation. Any statements made during the course of mediation are confidential and non-discoverable unless waived or precluded by statute. The Act ensures that mediation can be conducted honestly and privately, because nothing said during the course of mediation can be used in court.
Advantages of divorce mediation and collaborative law include:
- Efficiency — Saving you money rather than spending it on contentious divorce litigation
- Conciliation — Setting a tone of cooperation and consensus and minimizing the negative impact of divorce on your children
- Candor — Allowing a free flow of ideas and expression of your interests and goals
- Collaboration — Working together on family law strategies that both parties can agree on
- Anticipation — Providing proactive attention to addressing future issues
- Education — Informing you of ways that mediation can work for you
- Representation — Protecting your basic legal rights
To build an amicable rather than adversarial foundation, contact The Law Office of Nicholas W. Richardson, P.C. You can gain comfort and closure from our attorney's solid guidance and years of experience.
Contact a Barrington Divorce Mediation Lawyer
Palatine family law and divorce mediation attorney Nicholas W. Richardson is here to help in any way he can. You can contact us via phone (847.873.6741), email, or click to chat. Your initial consultation is always free of charge. We serve clients in Palatine, Barrington, Schaumburg, Arlington Heights, Rolling Meadows, Cook County, and DuPage County.
Introducing The Law Office of Nicholas W. Richardson
Nicholas W. Richardson is an experienced divorce lawyer and mediator whose comprehensive legal knowledge, commitment to clients and reputation for results bring lasting solutions to your problems.