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Are Millennials Less Likely to Get Divorced than Previous Generations? 

 Posted on September 21, 2022 in Divorce

palatine divorce lawyerMillennials in America are old enough, big enough, and diverse enough to have become the most closely studied generation in the world. Larger than the Baby Boomers and more ethnically diverse than any other generation before them, Millennials make a fascinating case study. Closely tracked by almost every measure, we now have excellent statistics on the behaviors of Millennials in every major aspect of life - how they save, how they spend, what they wear, and, of course, how frequently they get married and divorced.

People who are reluctant to get married often cite the most famous divorce statistic of all: 50 percent of marriages end in divorce. Yet, when it comes to Millennials, this may not be true. Data from reputable research organizations suggests Millennials are forging a path of their own when it comes to marriage and divorce.

Less Likely to Divorce, Less Likely to Marry

One of the reasons Millennials are less likely to get divorced is that they are simply less likely to get married in the first place. And they are not all cohabitating instead - Millennials, in general, tend to live in structured families less often than previous generations.

When Millennials do get married, they tend to do so at older ages after choosing a partner carefully. Being older and dating for longer before getting married are both factors that tend to reduce divorce rates.

Divorcing Millennials Often Divorce More Peacefully

Because the Baby Boomers and Generation X were the first generations to have access to easily available no-fault divorce (and the lack of carefully developed legal doctrines to go along with such widely available divorce), their divorce rates were very high and their divorces tended to be very acrimonious.

While divorcing Millennials still have to manage complex issues like child support, child custody, spousal support, and asset division, they tend to want to divorce more peacefully than their parents. Millennials utilize prenuptial agreements, mediation, and collaborative divorce at higher rates and tend to share parenting time and parental responsibilities more equitably than previous generations. Illinois law has also caught up in this regard, making it easier for fathers to have access to their children, as well as making it easier for mothers to recover child support.

Schedule a Consultation with a Mt. Prospect Divorce Lawyer

Regardless of your generation's divorce statistics, it is important to know that if you are considering divorce, you are normal. Even with the best intentions and efforts, some relationships simply do not work out. If you are considering divorce and want to learn more about your options, schedule a free consultation with the Cook County divorce attorney at the Law Office of Nicholas W. Richardson, P.C. Call 847.873.6741 today.


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