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Questions to Ask Before Divorce Mediation

 Posted on November 15, 2023 in Divorce

Il divorce lawyerDivorce mediation is a wonderful thing for many people. When it works, mediation can allow the parties to settle and finalize their divorce quickly and without costing too much. Unfortunately, divorce mediation is not for every set of spouses. There are many reasons mediation might fail, and the parties might need to go through a contested divorce. There are cases where one spouse is unreasonable or refuses to participate. Unsure about whether mediation is right for you and your spouse? Take the time to think this option through. Tell your Illinois divorce attorney if you have any particular concerns about trying mediation.

3 Things to Think About Before Trying Mediation

Mediation will likely work if you and your spouse are still amicable. Mediation can work in high-conflict divorce but is less likely to succeed when the spouses are trying to spite each other. A few questions to ask yourself before you start mediation include:

  • Can my spouse treat me fairly? - If you know that your spouse is not the type who is capable of compromising or making even a small sacrifice, mediation might not work. If you strongly feel your spouse will dig in their heels and refuse to give you anything, you might need a Court to force them to be fair.
  • Will mediation endanger me? - Even mediation by video call might be harmful to your mental health. Or, if you believe that your spouse might try to manipulate you into staying in an unhealthy marriage, it might be best to use another strategy that does not bring you together.
  • Will my spouse show up? - If your spouse has a substance abuse problem, a gambling addiction, or a serious mental illness, consider if your spouse can be counted on to reliably keep appointments. You can get divorced in Court with or without their participation.

Getting divorced can be an emotional struggle. Mediation makes it easier for some spouses but can be harmful for others. It is important to talk with your attorney if you have any concerns about mediation.

Contact a Rolling Meadows, IL, Divorce Lawyer

The Law Office of Nicholas W. Richardson, P.C. has many years of experience helping people get divorced through mediation and Court. Attorney Nick Richardson, a skilled Northwest Cook County divorce attorney, will talk with you to help determine whether mediation might work for you. Contact us at 847.873.6741 for a free consultation.

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