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Supervised Visitation and Other Parenting Time Restrictions in Illinois

 Posted on October 31, 2022 in Child Custody

palatine child custody lawyerIllinois Courts presume that it is ideal for a child to have both of his or her parents involved in his or her life. However, this is a rebuttable assumption. Ultimately, the Courts determine all child-related decisions based on what is in the child's best interests. If there is evidence that a parent's involvement in a child's life is harmful or dangerous, the Court may implement parenting time restrictions. Supervised parenting time or supervised visitation is one of the most common types of parenting time restrictions but it is just one of several restrictions the Court may enforce.

Conditions and Limitations on Parenting Time

Illinois law defines a parenting time restriction as any condition placed on a parent's parenting time. Courts only limit parenting time in this manner if the Court finds that unrestricted parenting time would "seriously endanger the child's physical, mental, moral, or emotional health."

There are a number of conditions or limitations that the Court may place on parenting time. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Requiring the presence of a third party during parenting time
  • Reducing communication between the child and parent
  • Limiting the duration, frequency, or location limitations of parenting time
  • Modifying of the parenting time schedule
  • Requiring the exchange of the child to take place at a certain location or via an intermediary
  • Forbidding a parent from using drugs or alcohol during parenting time
  • Prohibiting the presence of certain people during parenting time

The type and severity of the restrictions placed on parenting time will depend on the specific facts and circumstances of each case. For example, if there is evidence that a parent has physically abused his or her child, the Court may order that all future parenting time take place in a supervised setting.

Supervised Parenting Time

Supervised visits or supervised parenting time is when a parent spends time with his or her child in the presence of another adult. The supervising adult may be someone chosen by the parents, such as a grandparent, or someone appointed by the Court, such as a professional supervisor.

The purpose of supervised parenting time is to allow the child to spend time with the parent in a safe and monitored setting. The supervising adult is present to make sure that the visit goes smoothly and to protect the child from any potential harm.

Contact a Palatine Parenting Time Lawyer

If you are a parent who wants to enforce or modify a parenting time restriction, our experienced Arlington Heights family law attorney can help. Call The Law Office of Nicholas W. Richardson, P.C. at 847.873.6741 and set up a free, confidential consultation to learn more.


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