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What Happens If a Parent Has More than One Child Support Obligation?

 Posted on August 09, 2021 in Child Support

palatine child support lawyerChild support is a means of splitting child-related costs between unmarried and divorced parents. If you or your child's other parent already has a child support obligation, you may wonder how this obligation will affect any future child support obligations. You may be worried about your ability to afford two child support payments each month. Conversely, you may worry that you will not receive the child support you and your child need. Read on to learn about Illinois child support laws and how child support payments are handled when a parent has children from more than one relationship.

Understanding Illinois Child Support Calculations

Illinois changed the way the state calculates child support in 2016. Presently, Illinois uses the Income Shares Model to determine how much a parent pays in child support. The parent with less parenting time is the payer or “obligor,” and the parent with the majority of parenting time receives child support. The amount of money a parent must pay is calculated using both parent's net incomes.

Child Support Payments When a Parent Has Multiple Obligations

Net income is the parent's take-home pay after certain deductions like taxes have been taken out of his or her paycheck. When the state calculates a parent's net income to establish or modify child support, any child support or spousal support obligations are also deducted from the parent's earnings.

For example, consider a father who makes $50,000 a year after taxes. He currently pays $10,000 a year in child support to his ex-wife. If the father has a child with another woman, the amount of child support he would pay would be based on an income of $40,000 a year. Once the first child reaches adulthood and the father's first child support obligation terminates, the amount he pays would likely increase.

Contact a Palatine Child Support Lawyer

Arlington Heights family lawyer Nicholas W. Richardson represents both payers and recipients of child support. He helps parents establish child support for the first time or change child support orders that are based on outdated or inaccurate information. Mr. Richardson can also help parents who need to enforce a child support order so they receive the financial assistance they are entitled to.

If you are struggling to afford your current child support obligation, your child's other parent is not paying the child support he or she should be paying, or you have other questions or concerns about child support, call our office at 847.873.6741. Schedule your free consultation today.


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