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What Issues Can Make a Same-Sex Divorce Complex?

 Posted on December 15, 2023 in Same-Sex Marriage

Blog ImageSame-sex marriage is legally recognized in many states and jurisdictions, including Illinois, granting couples the same rights and responsibilities as opposite-sex couples. However, with same-sex divorce, unique challenges can arise. If you are heading toward a same-sex divorce, be advised that obtaining legal representation through an Illinois divorce attorney is highly recommended

Here Is What Can Make Same-Sex Divorces Difficult to Navigate

Same-sex couples often face unique challenges related to parental rights and child custody. In cases where children are involved, questions may arise regarding the legal status of both parents, especially if one partner is not biologically related to the child. Establishing parental rights and determining custody arrangements can be complex, requiring careful consideration of Illinois state laws, and the best interests of the child involved

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What Factors Can Affect Spousal Support in an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on December 04, 2023 in Spousal Support

Arlington Heights spousal support lawyerDivorce can be a challenging and emotionally charged process, and it will involve multiple types of legal and financial concerns. Out of the many complex issues couples may need to navigate, spousal support may be an important factor affecting both parties' financial health. Spousal support, also known as alimony or maintenance, refers to financial support provided by one spouse to the other after a divorce. In Illinois, spousal support may be awarded based on several factors outlined by state law. An experienced attorney can guide how to address issues related to spousal maintenance and ensure that all factors are assessed correctly.

According to Illinois law, a family court judge may consider a variety of issues when determining whether spousal maintenance will be awarded during a divorce. These factors include:

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Should I Talk to My Spouse Before Filing for Divorce?

 Posted on November 28, 2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerIf you have decided to file for divorce, you may ask yourself whether you should speak to your spouse before filing. Whether it is better to talk to your spouse first depends on your particular spouse and the circumstances of your divorce. Only you know your situation and can decide whether it is better to talk to your spouse before your attorney files the paperwork on your behalf. If your divorce is amicable, talking to them is likely the right course of action. On the other end of the spectrum, if your relationship has grown unsafe, you might not want to alert them that you are planning to leave. Your attorney can assess your situation and suggest a few things to consider in making this important decision.

Safety Comes First in Divorce

If you are afraid that your spouse will react violently if you tell him/her that you are planning to divorce, you may not want to be together when this news is shared. If your spouse has made threats or been violent toward you in the past, make sure you have a plan for your safety and consider an order of protection. While not a perfect defense, these orders tell your spouse he/she will be arrested if he/she takes certain actions, like coming near your home or harassing you.

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Questions to Ask Before Divorce Mediation

 Posted on November 15, 2023 in Divorce

Il divorce lawyerDivorce mediation is a wonderful thing for many people. When it works, mediation can allow the parties to settle and finalize their divorce quickly and without costing too much. Unfortunately, divorce mediation is not for every set of spouses. There are many reasons mediation might fail, and the parties might need to go through a contested divorce. There are cases where one spouse is unreasonable or refuses to participate. Unsure about whether mediation is right for you and your spouse? Take the time to think this option through. Tell your Illinois divorce attorney if you have any particular concerns about trying mediation.

3 Things to Think About Before Trying Mediation

Mediation will likely work if you and your spouse are still amicable. Mediation can work in high-conflict divorce but is less likely to succeed when the spouses are trying to spite each other. A few questions to ask yourself before you start mediation include:

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5 Unique Concerns in High-Asset Divorce

 Posted on November 09, 2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerNot every law firm is prepared to take on a high-asset divorce. The issues involved in a divorce when the spouses share substantial wealth can be far more complex than those in a divorce with a less substantial marital estate. Issues may involve not only the value of the property involved but the complexity of the types of property to be divided equitably. Splitting the cash in a bank account is often easier than dividing a fluctuating stock portfolio. Couples with financially successful marriages should work with an Illinois divorce attorney with experience in high-net-worth divorces when ending their marriage. Dividing a large and complex marital estate without significantly decreasing its total value can be challenging. Your divorce may take time as your attorney steadily works towards a resolution that is fair and financially beneficial to you.

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What Is a Parenting Plan?

 Posted on November 08, 2023 in Child Custody

IL family lawyerWhen parents get divorced in Illinois, they are required to establish something called a parenting plan. A parenting plan is what it sounds like and outlines how two parents who are not together anymore will share the joys and duties of raising their child. Parents who were never married may also be required to establish a parenting plan when a child custody or parentage case is brought. These plans are designed to prepare separated parents for successful co-parenting. Having the majority of decisions about co-parenting made in advance can reduce conflict later, as there are fewer undecided issues to argue over. Parenting plans can either be made by the parents or by the Court. Mediation can help parents reach an agreement in many cases. It is important to work with a well-qualified Illinois child custody lawyer when you need a parenting plan.

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Should I Contest My Divorce?

 Posted on October 31, 2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerA contested divorce can be difficult, stressful, and time-consuming. However, in some cases, this may be the only way to get a fair divorce decree. Most people today use alternative dispute resolution strategies like mediation to settle their divorces out of Court. Resolving a divorce out of Court offers quite a few benefits. You have more control over the end result. Mediation is less expensive than going to Court. Getting divorced can be much faster when the spouses are able to agree on who keeps what property and what type of child custody arrangement to use. However, mediation does not work for every couple. Some are simply unable to reach an agreement. These couples may have little choice but to allow a Judge to make decisions. If you are concerned that your case may go to Court, you will benefit from working with an experienced lawyer.

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What Are Parental Rights and Responsibilities?

 Posted on October 25, 2023 in Child Custody

IL family lawyerDuring an Illinois divorce, parental rights and responsibilities must be allocated. This means that each parent must be assigned specific responsibilities toward their children. Parental responsibilities include making important decisions about the child's upbringing and spending time with them. The list of parental rights and responsibilities assigned to each parent will be included in a parenting plan. Every set of parents who get divorced in Illinois must have a fairly comprehensive plan for co-parenting that covers things like which parent will see the child and when, and who is tasked with making different decisions. Most parents are able to establish a parenting plan and allocate responsibilities by agreement with the help of a mediator. Others may need to go to Court and have a Judge help allocate parental responsibilities. Your lawyer can help you determine what types of responsibilities must be accounted for in your particular case.

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Signs Divorce Mediation Might be For You

 Posted on October 19, 2023 in Divorce

mediate.jpgDivorce mediation is not for every couple. Some spouses refuse to cooperate with the process, failing even to keep scheduled appointments. Other spouses are unable to agree on anything because they cannot work together without fighting. However, alternative dispute resolution does work quite well for most people who are getting divorced. Even rather contentious divorces can often be settled out of court through mediation. There are a lot of advantages to uncontested divorce. Resolving the issues in your divorce through mediation is usually faster and less costly than asking a Judge to make these decisions. If you are considering giving divorce mediation a try, consider consulting with an experienced attorney first. You should be represented by a lawyer even if you and your spouse are amicable and intend to file an uncontested divorce.

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Helping Children Cope with Divorce

 Posted on October 06, 2023 in Children of Divorce

IL family lawyerParents who are getting divorced are often worried about how their children will cope with the changes. Most adults can acknowledge that divorce can be hard on children. Children involved in divorce may struggle to adapt to not having both parents around all the time. They will likely need to get used to staying in a different household, at least some of the time. They may need to adjust to one or both parents having a new partner. This can also be challenging for children to witness conflict between their parents. Even if your legal divorce is relatively amicable, children may struggle with the idea that their parents do not want to be married anymore. Divorcing parents need to actively take steps to help their children transition to a new way of living successfully. An Illinois divorce attorney can also take steps to help guard your children from any legal conflict.

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Introducing The Law Office of Nicholas W. Richardson

Nicholas W. Richardson is an experienced divorce lawyer and mediator whose comprehensive legal knowledge, commitment to clients and reputation for results bring lasting solutions to your problems.

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